”Lee Man Shop" is online shop of Lee Kan Kyo's artworks and things. Worldwide shipping available. contact [email protected] for more information. Lee Kan Kyo is a Taiwanese graphic artist living and working in Tokyo. He obtained his M.A. Degree in Design from Tokyo Zokei University. Since he was a child, he has been fascinated by the glamour of Japanese culture through Japanese variety shows on TV, which eventually brought him to Japan in 2007. His art works are mainly inspired by modern consumption society and observation of life, such as the Supermarket Flyer Series, Weekly Magazine Series, and the ongoing self-portrait series, Juice box Selfie (where he takes a selfie after drinking a box of juice and uploads online; each year, he selects the best ones and produce a deck of play cards), which began six years ago. For his latest project, Lee Card, he collects and hand-draws the cards people carry on them into Lee Loyalty Point Cards; people can get one more card when they accumulate 5 points. In 2014, he created an art work that targeted the increasing number of members in Japanese idol groups to illustrate the mass production and consumerism of modern society. The work won him the Grand Prize of 1_Wall Graphic Arts in Japan. リーマン・ショップはアーティストLee Kan Kyo 李漢強の作品を扱いオンラインショップです。安心安全のお買い物を楽しんてくださいませ! Lee Kan Kyoは台湾出身。東京造形大学大学院(造形専攻)修了。幼い頃から見ていたTV番組で、日本のエンターテインメントに魅力を感じ、2007年来日。スーパーのチラシ、週刊誌、ポイントカードなど消費社会の現象に着目した創作で、第10回グラフィック「1_WALL」グランプリ受賞。